Now this topic is for the ladies, men are also welcome if they're interested in learning about a woman's body. I know this topic is going to be uncomfortable for some people but this is life and most of us won't be here on earth if not of periods. What is Menstruation/ Period? Menstruation/ period is when blood and tissue from the uterus comes out of the vagina. Now once a girl starts seeing her period, it means when she starts having sex, there's 90% chance that she will get pregnant. Periods come every month, if a lady missed here period for a month, it means she is pregnant. What is Menstrual Cycle? Menstrual cycle helps your body prepare for pregnancy every month. Menstrual cycles and period are controlled by hormones estrogen and progesterone. This is the process:Women have 2 ovaries and each one holds a bunch of super tiny eggs that we can't see with our naked human eye. During the menstrual cycle, hormones makes the eggs in the ovaries mature...
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